今日の英会話のワンポイントは... Lively / 賑やか

Word of the day / 今日の単語

一緒に英語を勉強しましょう!Let's study English together!

Lively = にぎやか


・Times Square is always filled with interesting people. It's a very lively place.

・This summer holiday I want to go somewhere quiet. Last year I went to London. London is a great place, it has many restaurants and shops. It's a very lively city. This year I want to go somewhere I can relax though.

・New Year's Eve is a lively celebration in Canada and America. Many people go to parties and drink with friends.

A. Hey Bill, where are you going for your summer vacation this year?
B. I don't know yet. My wife wants to go visit relatives in Yamagata, but I want to go somewhere more lively this year. I would like to visit Yokohama.
A. Yes, Yokohama is great! There are many wonderful restaurants and bars. There are also many shops. Maybe your wife would enjoy shopping there.

Explanation / 説明 -

A. やあ、ビルさん、今年の夏休みはどこに行きますか?
B. まだ分からない。妻は親戚に会うために山形に行きたいが、私はもっとにぎやな所に行きたいです。私は横浜に行きたい。
A. そうなんだ。横浜は凄いですね。素敵なレストランとバーが沢山ありますし。そしてショップも沢山あります。たぶん奥さんはあそこで買い物が楽しめるかもしれないよ。

See you tomorrow!

Sendai's Sensei[ブライアン・ストラトフォード]

埼玉県川越市菅原町11-18 サングレイス(事務局)
