初めてずんだを食べた。/ I ate zunda for the first time.
一緒に英語を勉強しましょう!Let's study English together!
Today I ate one of Sendai's famous products, zunda, for the first time. It was more delicious than I thought it would be! After our lesson, I was walking through Sendai station with 'Y'
san when he asked me, 'Do you like zunda?'. 'I've never had it.' I said. 'Y' san looked surprised and said, 'Well, shall we have some?'. So we went to eat some.
It was very delicious but... for me, Sendai's famous food is beef tongue! I love meat and Sendai beef tongue is my favorite kind of meat. I don't like sweets very much. However, as for
meat... I eat it everyday!
Japanese sweets are not too sweet, compared to western sweets they are not so bad for your body, given the chance (maybe, New Year's...) I think I would like to eat Japanese sweets with
zunda again. (I really love kikufuku!!)
Everyone, what kind of sweets do you like? If there is something you recommend, please let me know.
Today's phrases / 今日のフレーズ
famous products = 名物
beef tongue/cow tongue = 牛タン
given the chance = 機会があれば

See you tomorrow!