今日の英会話のワンポイントは... あなたは誰を尊敬していますか? / Who do you respect?

私のお父さんを尊敬しています。/ I respect my father.

一緒に英語を勉強しましょう!Let's study English together!

When you were young, who was your hero? When you were little, who did you want to be like? As for me... I wanted to be someone like Spider-Man, or Superman! I wanted to be strong, to be able to fly or to be invincible like a superhero. When I was little, I thought 'Someone like that is amazing!', 'If I were like that, so many people would respect me!'. 

若い時はあなたのヒーローは誰でしたか?小さい時は誰みたいになりたかった?私は。。。スパイダーマンやスーパーマンになりたかった!とても強くて、空も飛べて、無敵なスーパーヒーローになりたかった。小さい時は 'そんな人はすごいな!'、'そんな風になれたら沢山の人に尊敬されるな!'と思いました。

However, as I have gotten older I have come to understand something. Being a hero has nothing to do with strength or being able to fly, a hero is someone who works hard everyday for the ones he cares about. A hero is someone who tries to better his community. A hero is someone who shows you how to live a good life.


My father is someone like this. My father is my hero.


The last time I went to Canada was about 4 years ago, and recently I have been thinking a lot about my family in Canada. I really want to see my family. I want to see my father. One day, I would like to be the kind of man my father is.


Everyone, who is the person you respect?


See you next time everyone!

Sendai's Sensei[ブライアン・ストラトフォード]

埼玉県川越市菅原町11-18 サングレイス(事務局)
