一緒に英語を勉強しましょう!Let's study English together!
・A. I think holding the Olympic games in Tokyo in 2020 is a huge waste of money! There are many people in the Tohoku area who are still without homes. The money should go to those people.
B. Absolutely! I don't understand why the government isn't providing those people with more help.
A. 2020年に東京でオリンピックを開催するのはお金の無駄遣いと思う!東北にいる沢山の人々は被災してまだ家がないのに。彼らにお金を使うべきだ。
B. 全くその通り!どうして政府はもっと彼らを助けないのか理解できない。
・A. In my opinion, Japanese food is healthier than American food.
B. Absolutely! It's definitely one of the reasons Japanese people tend to live longer.
A. 私の意見は和食の方がアメリカン料理より健康にいいと思います。
B. 全くその通り!だから日本人の方が寿命が長い理由の一つ。
・A. Would it be ok if I borrowed your English textbook?
B. Absolutely! Just please be sure to give it back to me next week.
A. 英語の教科書を借りていい?
B. 勿論!でも、必ず来週返してね。
・A. Could you help me with my math homework?
B. Absolutely! I'd be happy to help you anytime.
A. 数学の宿題手伝ってくれる?
B. 是非!いつでもいいよ。

Please be sure to read tomorrow's blog!