今日の英会話のワンポイントは... なぜ英語が話せることは重要であるか。/ Why being able to speak English is important.

英語は重要です。/ English is important.

一緒に英語を勉強しましょう!Let's study English together!

English is used for doing business all over the world. Being able to speak English can give you an advantage in business.

・Many great movies and TV programs come from English speaking countries. Being able to speak and understand English will enable you to enjoy them more.

・More and more people are traveling to Japan from other countries, as well more and more people are coming from other countries to study or live in Japan. Being able to speak English will allow for better interaction with these people.

・The language of the internet is English. Having English skills will increase opportunities.
Facebook, Instagram, You Tube,などのインターネット上の沢山のソーシャルコミュニティーの言語は大体英語です。英語力が備わっていれば、安心に利用する機会も増えると思います。

・Being able to speak another language, English, Spanish, Korean, any language, exposes us to new ideas and new ways of viewing the world. This allows us to grow and improve as human beings.

See you next time everyone!

Sendai's Sensei[ブライアン・ストラトフォード]

埼玉県川越市菅原町11-18 サングレイス(事務局)
