Fun with Jimdo
一緒に英語を勉強しましょう!Let's study English together!
I participated in an event at the Apple Store today with Mr. Akama. It was a lot of fun! All of you who
joined the event, thank you!! Did you enjoy it?
We all learned a lot about the Jimdo software from my good friend Mr. Akama. My homepage was made with the
Jimdo software and I strongly recommend it. It's extremely easy to use, and you can create wonderful websites with the Jimdo software.
私は、親しい友達の赤間さんから、Jimdo のソフトについて沢山学びました。私のホームページはJimdo ソフトで作られています。すごくおすすめです。Jimdo
I hope you can join us for the next event! I am looking forward to seeing you.

See you next time!