今日の英会話のワンポイントは... お知らせです。

Ben Tracy / ベン・トレーシー

Hello everyone! I am very happy to tell all of you that we are welcoming a new teacher to Sendai's Sensei. His name is Ben Tracy. Ben has a lot of experience teaching English, he really enjoys meeting new people and he is excited to meet new students.
皆さん、こんにちは!Sendai's Sensei に新しく先生を迎えることになりました。ベン・トレーシー先生です。ベン先生は英語を教える経験が沢山あり、そして新しい人々に会うのが好きで、皆さんに会える事をとても楽しみにしています。
Ben is from Australia. He enjoys riding motorcycles and watching American dramas. He also enjoys traveling to new and exciting places. Ben has visited many countries!
We are always happy when new teachers join us at Sendai's Sensei. The more teachers that we have with us, the better it is for our wonderful students!
Sendai's Sendai に新たに先生を迎えられてとても幸せです。沢山の先生を迎えることによって生徒の皆さんの英語を学ぶ環境が良くなると思っています!
If you are interested in studying Englsih with a handsome, funny, and talented teacher, please contact Ben. He is waiting to hear from all of you!

See you next time everyone!

Sendai's Sensei[ブライアン・ストラトフォード]

埼玉県川越市菅原町11-18 サングレイス(事務局)
